Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lucia's Madcap Style Guide - Neck Wear

The bandana (or bandanna; from the Hindi "बन्धन," pronounced "bandhana," or "to tie"), or "kerchief" (from the French "couvre-chef," or "cover the head")* is an essential accessory in any pooch's wardrobe. Here, I demonstrate a few appropriate uses of the piece:

Above, I sport a loosely-knotted vintage hot pink western-style bandana for a weekend getaway to Julian.** This is also a nod to my Mexican roots, as bandanas were used to keep dust out of the faces of soldiers and Lukie Lukie Hua Hua fighters during the Mexican Civil War.*** This look works well on dogs of grander stature as well. Below, Buster models an identical bandana in green:

Kerchiefs are also a great way to show your allegiance. Here, I show that I'm supporting the Trojans.***

Buster demonstrates he's a Husky through and through (collar AND kerchief! Bold move, but he pulls it off):

Of course, in South Los Angeles, where I'm from originally, bandanas are sometimes used to signify gang allegiance. This is a misuse of the accessory as a sign of allegiance, and I'm relieved to live in an area now where I can express my fashion personality without risk of misinterpretation.

Finally, neck wear is always a great way to show one's mood. Here, Buster's celebrating Memorial Day Weekend with a nod to summer:

So, that's a primer on good pup neck wear. I look forward to hearing about how y'all sport your neck wear this spring!
* But never an ascot. Also, avoid bolo ties.
** Pie capital of California.
*** The fighting Lukies would also flip the bandanas over to frame their faces, thereby passing as little old Russian women while operating on covert missions.
**** Only when the Huskies aren't playing.

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